Generate quality cover letters to land more tech interviews

Stand out from other AI generated cover letters
Create cover letters that are highly researched and customized for you and the job

How it works

1: Save your resume

Simply paste your resume into our platform to get started.

2: Download extension

Install our Chrome extension to use when viewing a job.

3: Generate cover letter

Our AI does research to make a perfectly tailored cover letter.

The tech job market is absolutely brutal

You need to standout

Tech companies are laying workers off en masse, creating the most competitive job market in decades.If you’re applying to hundreds of jobs and barely getting any responses, you’re not alone.

Often, you need to network your way to a referral just to land an initial phone screen. If you can’t get a referral, the next best thing you can do is write a kick-ass cover letter.

Since everyone in tech uses the same AI to write these cover letters, they’ve become increasingly more common and less of a differentiator. Luckily, most people who use Chat GPT to write a cover letter or another AI Cover Letter generator are actually producing mediocre cover letters.

Our custom trained tech cover letter generator can help you produce an outstanding cover letter that stands out.

Why does this service work better than others?

Thorough Research

We conduct extensive research on the company, domain, and your experience to tailor our services precisely to your needs.

Deep Connection

Our approach ensures a deep connection between your experience and the job or relevant domain area, enhancing relevance and impact.

Followup questions

We ask for additional information, often uncovering more stories and details than what’s on your resume, to provide a complete picture.


Early User Plan

$0 / Month

  • Unlimited Standard Cover Letters (While in Beta)
Get Started


Texnologiya sohani oqimtirib yuradigan bo'lishi, lekin bu xizmat mening ajrimni oshirdi. Mening qo'llab-quvvatlovchilarni ilmiy tadqiqotlar asosida maxsuslashtirilgan qo'llanmalari, boshqa AI tomonidan yaratilgan hujjatlarga nisbatan juda yuqori sifatda. Men ko'proq intervyular olib, oxir-oxiriga yuqori to'lovlilik qiladigan ishga joylashdim!
"Quruq ot"

"Quruq ot"

Ishga joylashtirish arizalaridan javob olishda muammo koʻrdim. Bu muloqot yozuvini yaratuvchi mukammal ravishda, mening tajribalarimi ish talablari bilan bogʻlab olishda qanday boʻlishi kerakligini tushuntirishdi. Bu shaxsiy kasb taʼlimchisiga ega boʻlishga oʻxshaydi!


Qo'llanma yozish mening uchun doim vaqt iste'mol etuvchi vazifalar bo'lishi edi. Bu vosita mening vaqtimi tejashga yordam berdi, balki meni tan olishni muvaffaqiyatli qilib chiqardim. Katta tavsiya qilaman!
